Call for Collaboration
Books and Benefactors
Book 2.0 vol 14 issue 2
‘Unfinished Business: Progress, Stasis and New Directions in the study of the Book Trade since Peter Isaac’
The ABC of Fonts: Albertus, Baskerville and Comic Sans
Printing Historical Society
Worldwide hand press database
York Centre For Print
Broadside Day
One Day Letterpress Workshops
Washi memories
An ABC of the Printing Historical Collection
Place and the periodical
Totally Curious, Ever Inventive
Baskerville Project Coordinator (Part-time, fixed-term)
Research Assistant/Associate in Heritage Science (Fixed Term)
The NPHC is in search of a secretary
The National Printing Heritage Committee (NPHC), part of the Printing Historical Society, is looking for a volunteer secretary to service its bi-annual online committee meetings. This role would suit anyone with an interest in printing’s past, and who wishes to become involved with the preservation, conservation and promoting of Britain’s printing heritage.
The aims of NPHC are to:
1 To attract public interest in, and raise financial support to enable, the establishment of a National Museum of Printing.
2 To help, via practical and financial support and advice, museums and other collection-holders acquire, restore and display items and archives of historical or scientific interest relating to printing and its associated crafts.
3 To raise funds to support the acquisition, leasing, or renting of suitable premises to facilitate the storage and renovation of machinery and equipment which might otherwise be scrapped.
4 To encourage the education of the public, and the preservation and dissemination of knowledge, in all aspects of the history and practical application of printing and its associated crafts.
If you are interest in this role, please contact the NPHC Chair, Rachel Stenner.